8 Best Tank Mates For Betta Fish

Corydoras Catfish

Small, peaceful bottom-dwellers that are excellent tank cleaners, scavenging leftover food without bothering the Betta, making them ideal companions.

Kuhli Loaches

Shy, nocturnal fish that spend most of their time hiding, helping them avoid Betta aggression while adding activity to the tank's bottom layer.

Neon Tetras

Vibrant, peaceful schooling fish that swim in groups, adding color and movement to the tank while staying out of the Betta's way in larger aquariums.

Harlequin Rasboras

Calm, schooling fish that prefer the middle levels of the tank, making them less likely to provoke a Betta and adding serene movement to the tank.

Otocinclus Catfish

Tiny, peaceful algae eaters that help keep the tank clean without competing for the Betta s territory, ideal for maintaining a balanced aquarium.

Mystery Snails

Gentle algae eaters that add unique diversity to the tank, contributing to cleanliness without threatening the Betta, while offering interesting behavior to observe.

Ghost Shrimp

Transparent, peaceful scavengers that help clean up leftover food and debris, though they might occasionally be targeted by a Betta if small enough.

African Dwarf Frogs

Slow-moving, peaceful amphibians that occupy different levels of the tank, reducing conflict with Bettas while adding an unusual, engaging element to the aquarium.