7 Remarkable Facts About Rattlesnakes You Should Know

The rattles at the conclusion of Rattlesnake stories are famous. Keratin, the same substance as hair, skin, and nails, forms the rattle's interlocking rings. When the snake holds up and vibrates its tail, the keratin segments bump against one other

1. Rattlesnake Rattles Are Made From Keratin

Rattlesnakes naturally add an extra section to their rattles every time they shed their old skin and grow new skin. That doesn't mean you can always tell how old a rattler is by how long its tail is, though, because as they age.

2. They Add a Rattle Segment Each Time They Shed

Scientists have found between 32 and 45 types of rattlesnake. A lot of these species live in Arizona.2The western diamond-backed rattlesnake is the biggest rattlesnake in the West.

3. There Are More Species in Arizona Than Anywhere Else

As with other snakes, rattlesnakes don't have a diaphragm in their inner ears, so they can't hear things in the air. To some animals, like some types of lizards, the inner ear is attached to the jaw, but in snakes.

4. They Hear by Sensing Vibrations

A lot of us are taught to be afraid of rattlesnakes because they hiss and rattle and will bite if they get angry. They don't look for people, which is good news. People who get bitten by rattlesnakes usually did so by accident.

5. Deadly Rattlesnake Bites Are Rare

Rattlesnakes are solenoglyphous snakes, which means they have very big fangs. They are in the viper family. These teeth are hollow and sharp, like a hypodermic needle, and they can inject poison.

6. Their Fangs Have Hinges

Rattlesnakes have vertical pupils like cats, unlike grass snakes. Slit pupils help rattlesnakes ambush prey by improving depth perception, according to research. In 2015, researchers discovered that rattlesnakes.

7. Rattlesnake Eyes Have Vertical Pupils