Woodland Oasis
With its unique waterfall pond, this gorgeous wooded property exudes a pastoral and fantastical feel. Take note of the organic-looking plantings that give this the appearance of being naturally occurring.
Simple Build, Natural Look Pavers, natural stone, and pondliner were used to construct this little pond and waterfall feature. The plantings, which include a variety of specimen plants and annual ground coverings nestled amid the stones.
Lush Koi Pond This peaceful water feature includes a beautiful assortment of design elements reminiscent of a Japanese decorative garden, complete with sculptures and a little curving bridge.
Pondless Waterfall An increasingly common waterfall feature is the "pondless" one. It simply refers to a feature that is a recirculating waterfall or stream and does not have a pond. In contrast to ponds, which occasionally allow algae to bloom.
Reflecting Seasonal Color The smooth organic curves and spectacular seasonal colors of the Japanese maple trees surrounding an angular pond with a little waterfall and grey stone edge provide visual balance.
Sculptural Setting This exquisite pond design features steps set into the surrounding nature on either side, as well as a paver stone wall backdrop. A petite cascade, sculptures, and eye-catching landscaping consist of vibrant perennials.
Brimming with Pond-Friendly Plants This pond is teeming with vibrant green vegetation, such as lettuces and lilies. Water poppies, Siberian iris, cat tails, water mint, and water hyacinths are a few more plants that are pond-friendly.