8 Amazing Resistance Band Exercises To Build Strength

My choice for best camera:

RED Camera

White Frame Corner

Single Arm Bicep Curl

Perform a single arm bicep curl by standing on the resistance band with feet shoulder-width apart. Hold a handle in each hand with arms straight by your sides and palms facing forward. Bend one elbow to lift the arm toward your shoulder

My choice for best camera:

RED Camera

White Frame Corner

Lying Chest Press

Lie flat on the floor with the resistance band beneath both shoulders. Hold handles with each hand, keeping upper arms on the floor and forearms perpendicular to it. Extend both arms straight above, as if pulling the band towards the ceiling

My choice for best camera:

RED Camera

White Frame Corner

Overhead Shoulder Press

Stand on the resistance band, holding the straps at shoulder height with palms facing forward. Reach arms straight above, slightly wider than shoulder-width apart, then lower them back down with control.

My choice for best camera:

RED Camera

White Frame Corner

Single Arm Triceps Extension

Stand with one foot slightly in front of the other on the band. Hold both handles in one hand and lift the arm straight above the head. Keeping the elbow close to the head, slowly lower the forearm behind until the elbow is bent at 90 degrees

My choice for best camera:

RED Camera

White Frame Corner

Bent Over Row

Stand on the resistance band, bending knees, and hinging forward slightly at the waist. Hold a handle in each hand near the knees. Squeeze the shoulder blades together as you lift the bands toward the ribs in a rowing motion

My choice for best camera:

RED Camera

White Frame Corner

Lateral Shoulder Raise

Step onto the resistance band with both feet, holding handles in each hand. Raise arms straight out on either side until elbows reach shoulder height, then slowly lower them back down, keeping arms straight.

My choice for best camera:

RED Camera

White Frame Corner

Chest Fly

Stand up straight, holding handles with arms slightly bent. Pull the handles toward the front of the body until hands meet in the middle, then slowly return to the starting position.

My choice for best camera:

RED Camera

White Frame Corner

Front Squat

Stand on the resistance band with feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. Hold a handle in each hand, keeping them close to your shoulders. Squat down, keeping your core engaged, then slowly rise back up to standing.