9 Best Ab Exercises for Women, According to Top Fitness Experts

My choice for best camera:

RED Camera

White Frame Corner

Tabletop Crunch and Reach

Lay flat on your back, bend both knees at a 90-degree angle, and perform a crunch, reaching arms past knees towards ankles. Simultaneously extend arms overhead and straighten legs out. Return to starting position by bringing legs back to 90 degrees while crunching.

My choice for best camera:

RED Camera

White Frame Corner

Crunch Heel Touches

Lay flat on back, hands behind head, and lift into a crunch with knees at a 90-degree angle. Try to touch heels to ground while maintaining leg position, then lift legs back to tabletop position. Consider adding ankle weights for added challenge.

My choice for best camera:

RED Camera

White Frame Corner

Crunch and Reach

Start laying on back with arms extended overhead and knees bent. Crunch core, lifting head and shoulder blades while reaching arms between knees. Slowly lower back down with arms overhead, keeping neck long and avoiding collapsing.

My choice for best camera:

RED Camera

White Frame Corner

Bicycle Crunch

Lie flat with legs straight, hands behind head, and lift shoulder blades off ground. Bring right knee to chest while left elbow meets right knee, then switch sides. Keep straight leg hovering above ground and neck lifted throughout movement.

My choice for best camera:

RED Camera

White Frame Corner

Forearm Plank Walkouts

Place forearms on floor, align elbows below shoulders, and walk feet out a few inches. Focus on stabilizing core and not letting hips move while walking feet in and out. Press toes into floor and engage glutes throughout.

My choice for best camera:

RED Camera

White Frame Corner

One Leg Plank

Get into plank position, press toes into floor, and squeeze glutes. Lift right foot a few inches off ground and hold, then switch legs. For added challenge, use resistance band above knees or start in forearm plank position.

My choice for best camera:

RED Camera

White Frame Corner

Mountain Climbers

Start in plank position, arms straight, wrists under shoulders, and alternate bringing knees into chest. For added challenge, cross knee to opposite elbow. Go slow and controlled, and place gliders under feet for more difficulty.

My choice for best camera:

RED Camera

White Frame Corner

Starfish Crunch

Begin laying with arms and legs spread in starfish shape, then pull body upright, hugging knees into ball shape. Slowly lower back down and repeat. Keep feet off ground between reps for added challenge.

My choice for best camera:

RED Camera

White Frame Corner

Alternating Straight-Leg Jackknife

Lie flat, arms and legs extended, then contract abs and raise right leg and left arm to touch right foot. Lower back down and repeat on other side. Aim to lift shoulder blades off ground during reach.