9 Easiest and Most Effective Exercises on the Planet

1. Classic Push-Up or Push-Up Matrix

The classic push-up is a versatile exercise targeting multiple muscles without any equipment. Adjust the difficulty by altering hand/torso incline. For an intensified version, try the push-up matrix, which engages various chest.

2. Short Hinged Oblique Exercise

Similar to a Russian Twist, this exercise works multiple abdominal muscles simultaneously. Start lying on your back, rotate your torso while sitting up, and control the movement back to the starting position.

3. Segmental Wall Sits

Engage all leg muscles with segmental wall sits. Begin with feet and knees together, then push knees apart, adjust foot position, and hold each segment for desired durations.

4. Prone Back Extension with Rotation

Strengthen spinal extensor muscles by lifting arms and legs simultaneously while rotating torso and pelvis. Focus on controlled movements and avoid overexertion, especially if you're a beginner or have existing conditions.

5. ELDOA Stretching

Enhance posture and spinal muscle strength with ELDOA exercises. Maintain spinal extension, spread fingers and straighten elbows while reaching arms upward. Hold each stretch for 60 seconds.

6. Tricep Dips

Target triceps, shoulders, chest, and core with tricep dips. Sit on a sturdy chair, place hands beside hips, and lower body until elbows form 90-degree angles, then push back up.

7. Standing Spinal Twist

Improve spine flexibility and shoulder mobility by sitting on the floor, crossing legs, and twisting torso while placing opposite elbow on the outside of the knee. Hold each side for about a minute.

8. Deadlifts

Mimic natural movements and target back, hips, glutes, hamstrings, and core with deadlifts. Maintain proper form by keeping back straight and chest up throughout the lift.

9. Walking and Swimming

Incorporate low-impact exercises like walking and swimming into your routine for overall health and well-being. Walk regularly for heart health and mood enhancement, and swim for a full-body workout that's gentle on joints.