A flavonoid called hesperidin in orange peels helps control blood pressure and cholesterol. Orange peel polymethoxylated flavones (PMFs) reduce cholesterol better than medications.
Chemicals called histamines cause allergic responses. Orange peels contain histamine-blocking chemicals.
Orange peels decrease cancer cell development. Orange peels can minimize deadly squamous cell carcinoma. Regular orange peel eaters are less likely to develop lung and skin cancers than orange eaters.
Orange peels boost metabolism and burn fat. Many doctors recommend orange peels for weight loss.
The anti-inflammatory qualities of orange peels assist alleviate diarrhea, heartburn, and acidity.
Orange peel is one of the greatest hangover remedies. To cure a hangover, boil the peel for 15-20 minutes and consume it like tea.
Orange peels can keep your breath fresh and help fight cavities.
Vitamin C and A abound in orange peels. Orange peels are an antioxidant that boosts immunity and fights infections and viruses.
Orange peels treat blackheads, dead cells, acne, pores, dark circles, and dry skin. It also brightens skin.