A Full-Body Workout That’ll Ease Beginners Into Strength Training

Devil's Press

Press up and leap your legs back to your chest, landing with dumbbells between your legs. As you rise up, swing the weights between your knees and then explosively above. Controlled descent, grounding, repeat.


Squat and hold a barbell shoulder-width apart. Keep your chest up, shoulders back, and eyes forward when lifting the bar. Bring the weight back onto your heels and maintain the bar close to your body.

Kettlebell Swings

Stand with your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart, bend your knees, and hold the handle with both hands. lift the kettlebell between your knees using your lats (be cautious how deep you swing) with your back flat.

Dumbbell Thrusters

Hold two dumbbells by their grips with the weight's back over your shoulder. Squat with your legs in line with your shoulders and slightly bend your knees. As you straighten your legs, hoist the dumbbells over your head with your arms.


Squat till your thighs are parallel to the floor and put your hands on the floor from standing. Kick your feet back as far as possible with your arms outstretched. After landing, leap your feet back into your hands and hop up.

Renegade Row

Press up with your hands on two dumbbell handles. Keep your core tight, row the right dumbbell to your abs, then return to the start. Repeat with left dumbbell for one rep.

Bear Crawls

Press-up with knees bent 90 degrees and hips beneath. Elevate your knees. Pretend you're being pounded in the stomach by bracing your abs. Keep this contraction going.