Mobility Exercises: 8 Moves To Improve Full-Body Range

Start in a high plank position with wrists under shoulders. Step right foot forward into a deep lunge. Lift right hand, bend elbow, and reach left forearm towards mat.

World's Greatest Stretch

Sit with legs slightly wider than hip-width apart, knees bent at 90-degrees. Keep heels on the floor, rotate knees side to side. Maintain upright posture. Complete 6 reps on each side.

90/90 Hip Switch

Start on hands and knees. Inhale, pull belly button to spine, curve lower back for "cow". Transition to "cat" by arching back, looking up. Complete 8 reps in each position.

Cat Cows

Start in plank position. Push back into downward dog. Bend left knee in towards chest, lift left leg up and back. Open hip, letting left foot fall towards right glute. Return to start. Repeat on both sides for 8 reps.

Downward Dog Hip Opener

Start in half kneeling position with left leg in front, knee bent. Shift hips left and weight onto left foot. Hold for 1-2 seconds, return to center. Repeat 8-12 times on each side.

Half Kneeling Adductor Rock

Begin on all fours. Lift right arm towards ceiling, then thread it between left hand and knee, dropping right shoulder towards ground. Reverse for a rep. Complete 6 reps on each side.

Thread The Needle

Start standing with feet hip-width apart. Step right leg back, slightly bend left knee, raise hands overhead. Hold for 30 seconds, then switch legs.

Achilles Opener

Lie on foam roller under upper back, feet flat on floor. Clasp hands behind head, lift hips. Gently extend upper back over roller. Hold for a few seconds.

Thoracic Extension