The 8 Best Core Exercises for Building Strength, Stability and a Mean Six-Pack

Start in a press-up position, resting on forearms instead of hands, ensuring a straight back and tense abs and glutes. Hold the position without allowing hips to sag.

1) Plank

Lie flat with bent legs, then drive through heels to lift hips as high as possible before returning to starting position.

2) Glute Bridge

Lie on back with hands above and knees at 90 degrees. Straighten one leg and lower opposite arm until parallel to floor, then return to start and repeat on other side.

3) Dead Bug

Lie facedown on a bench with hips on edge, then extend legs off bench and lift them to hip level while alternating which leg is higher.

4) Flutter Kicks

Lie face down, hovering feet and arms off ground, then sweep arms out to sides and back up while keeping them hovering throughout.

5) Swimming Superman

Set up suspension trainer at chest height, grab handles, lean back with arms extended, then pull chest up towards handles while squeezing shoulder blades together.

6) TRX Row

Lie back holding onto bench, lift legs towards ceiling and lower backside and back off bench under control before returning to start.

7) Dragon Flag

Sit holding weight with arms extended, feet off floor, and twist torso from side to side quickly.

8) Russian Twists