One popular and commonly consumed probiotic meal that has several health advantages is yoghurt. It is produced by fermenting milk with specific bacterial strains, such as Streptococcus thermophilus
Dairy products fermented is called kefir. It is prepared by combining milk with kefir grains, which are a blend of yeast and lactic acid bacteria, and letting them ferment.
An ancient Japanese seasoning, miso is traditionally created by fermenting soybeans, salt, and koji (a type of fungus). During the fermentation process, lactic acid bacteria, yeast
Traditional Korean cuisine, kimchi is created by fermenting a variety of vegetables, including Korean radishes and Napa cabbage, with additional ingredients such fish sauce, garlic, ginger, and red pepper flakes.
When salt and finely shredded cabbage ferment together, sauerkraut is created. Naturally existing lactic acid bacteria, mostly of the Lactobacillus species
A traditional Japanese dish prepared from fermented soybeans is called natto. Probiotics are helpful microorganisms that are present in natto.
Cucumbers or other vegetables are soaked in a brine solution including water, salt, and occasionally spices to create naturally fermented pickles.
It is a fermented tea beverage (green or black), and because of its fermentation process and the good bacteria and yeast that it contains, it is frequently linked to probiotics.