Top 7 Stress Relieving Foods

Matcha powder

Because it contains a high concentration of L-theanine, a non-protein amino acid with potent stress-relieving qualities, this colorful green tea powder is well-liked by health enthusiasts.

Swiss chard 

A leafy green food that is rich in nutrients that reduce stress is Swiss chard. A mere cup (175 grams) of cooked Swiss chard provides 36% of the required daily intake of magnesium

Sweet potatoes

Consuming full, nutrient-dense carbohydrates such as sweet potatoes may help reduce cortisol levels, which are a sign of stress (11Trusted Source).


The two main ingredients of kimchi, a fermented vegetable dish, are napa cabbage and daikon, a kind of radish. Fermented foods, such as kimchi, are rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants


A particularly rich source of prebiotics, a kind of fiber that nourishes the good bacteria in your stomach, artichokes are an exceptionally concentrated supply of fiber. 

Organ meats

Organ meats—the heart, liver, and kidneys of cattle and poultry, for example—are a great source of B vitamins, including B12, B6, riboflavin, and folate, which are critical for managing stress.


Because of their exceptional nutritious profile, eggs are frequently referred to as nature's multivitamin. The vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and antioxidants that are necessary for a normal stress response are abundant in whole eggs.